Monday, May 14, 2012

Steam Launch!

As you may have noticed already, The Dream Machine has been launched on Steam! Go to the page below to check it out in all its glory:

Steam Store: The Dream Machine


  1. I'm trying to install the demo (or I guess play the demo? the game doesn't install and neither does the demo?--

    At any rate, I really want to try the demo. I'm on its Steam page, in Steam, and I click the "download demo" button or whatever it is. Windows puts up that swirly "thinking" cursor on my mouse, the border comes up around the Steam window and it greys out, thinking thinking, and then nothing. I'm back on the page like I never clicked it.

    I know this is a Steam problem, not your guys's fault, but I can't find any help anywhere.

    1. I found out I think I can play the demo on-line, so I'll try it there. :) I'm sure the full game on Steam wouldn't have a problem. I've had issues getting demos to install before on Steam. Probably just the same old issues. Looking forward to trying this out! :)

    2. I played the first chapter on the game's website. I loved it! It really reminds me of the good old days of gaming. It's so atmospheric, and the puzzles actually made sense. I got my girlfriend to play it, and she loved it too. I'll be buying it on Steam. Thanks, guys!

    3. Maybe you figured this already out, but the game is supposed to be played in your browser. The designers did this so they can keep the game up-to-date easily and to prevent piracy.
      Or read this:

  2. That's great to hear, guys!

    Get back to me if you have any more problems, Jesse!


    - a

  3. I just bought this game this morning. I already played through the first chapter and am most of the way through the second! I bought the 3rd chapter already.

    This game is by far the most charming one I've played in a very long time. Thank you so much for creating it. I eagerly await Chapters 4 and 5! Not to mention any future games you will develop!

  4. Not known to be a fan of adventure games I have to admit I really love the dream machine. Can't wait for chapter 4&5 (already bought them).
    Keep the great work up!

  5. Yeah, this reminds me alot of the Neverhood (if anyone even remembers what that is :P) only theres more talking and the story is a bit more intriguing.

    1. Heh, isnt it that old adventure game made by Steven Speilberg? Yeah, that was one FUNKY game. Anyone who was too young, or hasnt tried it, PLEASE DO SO. If you love this, you'll love it.

  6. I'm having a bit of a problem on chapter 3. When I get in Victor 11's bedroom find the note and put it together, the game doesent recognize that I'v finished it. I watched a tutorial on youtube, and when he put it together, the letters sort of snapped in. Its not doing that for me, and I REALLY want to keep going

  7. Update your Flash player if you haven't already.

  8. My husband and I purchased the game on steam recently and played through the first three chapters together. We LOVE it! You guys did such a beautiful job on the art, and the story is great. It is like an interactive work of art. Keep up the good work!

  9. Heya! I just finished the three chapters and I gotta say this game hook me up completely (which didn't happen in quite a while). I eagerly await for more awesomeness.

  10. and now that it is on steam and you made a lot of money.. did you stop caring or why aren't there any updates since then? :(

  11. We got ambitious with the upcoming patch, but it'll be ready soon.

  12. Don't misunderstand my comment. No offense inteded. Just a eagerly waiting fan! Thanks for the news.

  13. When you are saying "soon", are you meaning in Blizzard-time or in Valve-time?
    Thanks. ;-)

  14. I guess it's blizzard time

  15. The steam finaly have done this. Thank you very much bro, this is very good and great looking!

  16. Thank you very much bro for this steam article , i hope that it will always be the best that i have seen.

  17. I must say that this is the best post about the steam ever! I just want to make this fast , and say thank to you bro!
